Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Queers Ain't Human!

So here I am again, quoting from the Letters to the Editor column in the Arizona Republic. Today's piece of trash is from Mr. Michael G. Warren of Yuma, Arizona, a oft-time writer to the Republic. Mr Warren is at odds with Eileen Hart's article of June 12th titled: Where My Typical Life Turns Terribly Wrong To Many People In This World. Mr. Warren decided to take it upon himself to point out why Ms. Hart is having problems in her life:

Eileen Hart repeatedly asks why she, a very typical person except for being a lesbian, is denied the right to marry when no one else is.

Let me help. First, Eileen should read the dictionary. Marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman. Second, homosexual activity always has been and always will be a crime against nature, and a sin before God. Period. No amount of protesting, marching, litigation, or enlightenment will ever change that.

Her sexual orientation will never permit her to be a typical person in a moral society.
Mr. Warren needs a new dictionary. The Merriam Webster On-Line Dictionary states marriage is:

1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law

(2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage.

Times, Mr. Warren, they be a'changing, but I digress. It's his second point that I find particularly sick and twisted. He claims that Eileen, and myself, and all other gays and lesbians (including bisexuals and transsexuals I'm sure) commit crimes against God, and Nature, and that we're not really human (well, his euphemism - a typical person).

Mr. Warren is not alone in his belief. Allow me to introduce a few of his contemporaries by way of what they had to say about homosexuals:

In the SS, today, we still have about one case of homosexuality a month. In a whole year, about eight to ten cases occur in the entire SS. I have now decided upon the following: in each case, these people will naturally be publicly degraded, expelled, and handed over to the courts. Following completion of the punishment imposed by the court, they will be sent, by my order, to a concentration camp, and they will be shot in the concentration camp, while attempting to escape. I will make that known by order to the unit to which the person so infected belonged. Thereby, I hope finally to have done with persons of this type in the SS, and the increasingly healthy blood which we are cultivating for Germany, will be kept pure.

… Heinrich Himmler

I know, I know. It's not nice to compare anyone to Nazis because everybody's like the Nazis. But I'm being SPECIFIC here. I'm sure Mr. Warren would have patted Heinrich on the back for wanting to cultivate healthy pure blood in Germany.

There are thousands of Ku Klux Klan Web sites on the net. Mr. Warren will be interested in what they have to say as well, for they are in complete agreement with him. This from just one:

I stand by my prediction. Most and I mean most churches will begin forgiving, then tolerating, and then inviting and then encouraging and finally performing same-sex marriages. I Know most of you will disagree with me. But if the church you are going to now does not have the moral courage to condemn interracial marriages from the pulpit, they like wise will not be able to stand against homosexuals as they come marching through their doors. I know that many are speaking against homosexuality from their pulpits now, but remember, they used to speak out against interracial marriages also, until it became unpopular to do so, or until they sold out for tax exempt status. Unless we separate ourselves from this moral dilemma, there is little doubt that same-sex marriages will be legal in only a few years.

… a KKK Website

That quote might make a few members of Black Christian Churches out there a bit uncomfortable. They like to claim that gay marriage is not a civil rights issue like interracial marriage was. Sort of like this:

Civil rights in the '60s was fighting for a principle that was legislated against a person based upon the color of their skin, They're saying there's some gene that the person is born with that causes them to be homosexual. That means they're saying God made a mistake and changed from what is natural to unnatural. I do believe it's a choice, as much as being heterosexual is a choice.

… Rev. Arthur Banks, pastor of Eastside Baptist Church in Tacoma, WA

So now, I'm not only sub-human, I'm a mistake of God. Geeze Louise. I get a kick out of Xtians who think it's their god that hates homos. Actually, there are more NON Christian gods out there that condemn homosexuality than the Christian one (who doesn't, by the way.) Mr. Warren might want to change his religion or at least his particular sect, or mayhaps Mr. Warren should take up residence in Uganda:

In Uganda, officials and police who harass homosexuals always get away with their actions because it is believed that homosexuals are not human beings.

… Black Looks website

Or in Europe where he can participate in the Roma Rights:

Homosexuals are not human. They do not have the same rights as everyone else.”

…Participant at a Roma rights workshop held in 2003

Or he may be interested in some other odd religion that thinks the way he does:

Homosexuals are not human.

…Nicholas Tereshencko, in a letter to the Lamp of Thoth

I'm sure if I looked around I could find many other non-Christian sources for Mr. Warren's ideas concerning homosexuality. They're all fairly recent. Remember, the word homosexual didn't even come into existence until the late 1890s. That kinda means the Bible writers never used it. Real Christians, Mr. Warren, think like this:

Good parents are parents who teach their baby that all people possess the basic good qualities of "soul" and "God" and that all people possess equal worth and dignity as any other member of the human species, and do not teach their children that homosexuality is "wrong" and that homosexuals are "bad," and perhaps even, that homosexuals are not human beings who possess equal worth and dignity as any other member of the human species, and thus, that homosexuals deserve to be killed for who they are.

… The Universal Way web site

But, the Mr. Warrens of the world are entitled to their opinion. Just remember who's side they're on in this argument. Then consider whether you truly believe he and the rest of them are on the same side as the Judeo-Christian God.

I never read a letter from Jesus in the Lamp of Thoth!

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